Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Interesting things...

Sometimes we throw stuff out. Sometimes we keep it.
Scrapyard or scrapbook...
The decision is mostly based on our perception.

In the era of digital photography, there is so much more "stuff." It has become an art to decide what to keep and why.
Focus is not only finding something to focus on, but also determining what to keep out of the frame. And that is one of the most difficult choices  (in life and in photography) - to decide what we really want, and not to be tempted by the world of marketing and advertising, but rather to stay focused on what we have framed/dreamed/envisioned and what will eventually be remembered as "the bigger picture."


ostman said...

Very well said, and worth saying.

I also like your photograph here. That's a scene that could very well have been missed; glad you caught it!

Ruth F said...

Your posts and photos are very insightful. One of my favorites was of the shoes.