Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This weekend we had a photowalk in Paul Roux. The weather seemed to be heading for "rotten", but we had to push through.
What a privilege when the light eventually appeared.
Some clouds acted as natural diffusers and, in general, we had a great time taking pictures of the kids who walked along.

The great thing about the weather was that those who seriously wanted to be there, were there - is it not true that sometimes we have hurdles for one reason: to find out how seriously we really want something?
Next time you see a hurdle, enjoy its presence, it is an opportunity to test your commitment and willingness to achieve what's on the other side of the hurdle!


Anonymous said...

Hi there Igno.

been looking forward to seeing something and reading something from you for a while now.

Words were once again inspirational.

loved the closing quote

Herman Booyens said...

Hallo Igno

Dankie vir die naweek by die Sandsteenfees, jou praatjie en posetiewe uitkyk op die lewe is werklik baie inspireerend! Dankie ook vir die geleentheid om van my fotos uit te kon stal.

Ek het so bietjie van jou stories hier gelees, dit roer regtig die hartsnare.

Ons sal binnekort praat, ek dink ek moet een of ander tyd 'n draai in Bloem maak, dan kan ons dinge bespreek.

Beste Groete

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