Friday, September 26, 2008

It was a misty autumn day. The road was wet and the air fresh. It was just one of those days which makes one appreciate the true wonder of being alive. As I stepped out of the car to take pictures, I was hit by the freshness of being outside. And I realized how we spend our time in front of screens: Windscreens, computer screens, tv screens... We are the screenagers. Sometimes we need to "unscreen". Because we don't live a virtual life. We live a real life.
Nothing can replace the incredible realness of reality. Think about it.

Then go ahead.

Monday, September 22, 2008

He was playing in front of the camera. Jumping up and down, smiling and friendly. His sister was shy. Eventually she decided that it had to be fun. He just seemed to be so happy. So she joined. His hand was comforting, holding hers to reassure her.

I learnt from him that if one really enjoys what one does, others cannot stay away too long. People want to share in the fun that passionate people have. I think it's called the law of attraction in popular literature -
There are always those daring to take chances, who seize the opportunities, those who are not afraid of change or new things, they are the pioneers, but they turn from pioneers into leaders when they hold the hands of the uncertain, often scared followers.
Whenever I work with real leaders, I realize it's about more than pioneering your vision, it's about caring for your people, giving them the greatest gift of all -
Faith in their potential and a helping hand when needed.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just a quick Saturday morning blog -
One should always try new things, and I am connecting my Photoshop Express trains to this ...
And yes, I don't know whether it will work - but we often don't do things because we don't believe they will work - so hold your breath and watch with me...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This weekend we had a photowalk in Paul Roux. The weather seemed to be heading for "rotten", but we had to push through.
What a privilege when the light eventually appeared.
Some clouds acted as natural diffusers and, in general, we had a great time taking pictures of the kids who walked along.

The great thing about the weather was that those who seriously wanted to be there, were there - is it not true that sometimes we have hurdles for one reason: to find out how seriously we really want something?
Next time you see a hurdle, enjoy its presence, it is an opportunity to test your commitment and willingness to achieve what's on the other side of the hurdle!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

They said there was nothing to photograph.  They said it was a boring country road.  They said it could not work on a misty morning.  
But I went out.
And I took this picture...

Because they are merely voices in my mind.  They are critics without reason.  They are voices of reason in a world of dreams...
They are needed sometimes.
But sometimes we need to listen to the voice of unreason. 
Because all breakthroughs are made by unreasonable people - people who hear other voices, voices that come from deep inside, from forgotten selves - voices that tell them to keep going when it does not make logical sense.
The voices that actually matter - because they are not "theirs", they are "ours".